What to Wear on School Picture Day

What to Wear?

A question that I hear often is “What should my child wear on school picture day?”

Keep it simple. Solid colors are good. Simple patterns can be beautiful too. Avoiding neon colors and graphics is a must.

One of the things I want to talk about though is light. Light is the essence of photography, and it can make or break a photo. At my schools, I bring in strobes to create exactly the kind of light that I want in any given circumstance. But there is another thing that I would like parents to note.

Light is reflected off of your clothing. Does your school require uniforms? Do you have a choice of which color polo you wear? What color backdrop is your school using? A general rule of thumb is that a light or white colored shirt will reflect light back onto your child’s face and light up their beautiful features. A dark colored polo or shirt can absorb that same beautiful light. It will still be a beautiful photo, but considering the way light reflects is a huge decision.

IS your school using a black background? Try to avoid wearing black or very dark colors.

Is it your child’s last year in a jumper? You may want to consider your school pictures in the jumper. You will cherish that photo and how adorable they look. Do they have green eyes? A green polo will make their eyes pop and that is a great reason to go with green.

As with any decision, there is no one decision fits all solution. The goal is to get a photo you love of your child and cherish it for fleeting school season that they are in.


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